Code of conduct


Toronto Golden Jets (‘TGJ’) is committed to providing a sport environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity; and where individuals are treated equally, fairly and without discrimination. Harassment is a form of discrimination that is prohibited under Ontario’s Human Rights Code. Harassment/discrimination reflects behaviours that are offensive, degrading and threatening, and will not be tolerated by TGJ.

This policy applies to all TGJ employees, directors, officers, administrators, volunteers, coaches, and officials (TGJ ‘representatives’), and TGJ athletes (TGJ ‘members’)

For the purposes of this policy, harassment can occur in any place where persons are present as TGJ representatives or members including the following:

  1. at sporting events, competitions, and in training sessions;
  2. at sport related social functions;
  3. at TGJ business functions including sport association meetings, conferences, training sessions and workshops;
  4. During sport related travel;
  5. Through any form of communication device/system including but not limited to telephone, email, fax, websites, postal service; and,
  6. Any formal or informal location where the harassment of a person is a result of their sport related involvement.


  1. To prevent discrimination and harassment within TGJ on the grounds of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status, ability or religious affiliations;
  2. To alert all members of TGJ to the fact that harassment and discrimination is an offence under the law;
  3. To establish the types of behaviour that shall be considered offensive so that TGJ members and representatives understand that if found to have engaged in conduct constituting harassment/discrimination, they may be disciplined and/or suspended to the full extent of this policy and the law.

Every representative and member of TGJ shall avoid and shall discourage others’ expressions or displays of prejudice, bigotry, sexual comments or racial slurs. Even the appearance of bigotry or prejudice can damage mutual respect between teams, athletes within the TGJ team, management, staff, etc.


Each individual has the right to pursue athletics in an atmosphere which promotes equal opportunities and prohibits discriminatory practices.

Complainant: An employee, athlete, coach, official or member (or the Responsible Adult where member is a minor) involved in activities of TGJ who believes they have been harassed.
Harassment: Improper behaviour by any person towards another person which a person knows or ought to know would be unwelcome. This behaviour includes comments, conduct or gestures which are insulting, intimidating, humiliating, hurtful, malicious, degrading, or otherwise offensive to an individual or group of individuals, or which creates an uncomfortable environment, or which might reasonably be expected to cause embarrassment, insecurity, discomfort, offense, or humiliation to another person or group, including, but not limited to:

  • written or verbal abuse or threats;
  • physical assault;
  • unwelcome remarks, jokes, innuendos, or taunting about a person’s body, sexual orientation, attire, age, marital status, ethnic or racial origin, religion, etc;
  • displaying of sexually explicit, racist or other offensive or derogatory material, or sexual, racial, ethnic or religious graffiti;
  • practical jokes which directly or indirectly cause awkwardness or embarrassment, endangering a person’s safety or negatively affecting performance;
  • hazing or initiation rights;
  • leering or other suggestive or obscene gestures;
  • intimidation, through the suggestion or offer of a reward or privilege or through threats of retaliation related to speaking out about harassment;
  • condescension, paternalism, or patronizing behaviour which undermines self-respect or adversely affects performance or working conditions;
  • conduct, comments, gestures or contact of a sexual nature that is likely to cause offence or humiliation or that might, on reasonable grounds, be perceived as placing a condition of a sexual nature on employment or any opportunity for selection, training or advancement;
  • false accusations of harassment motivated by malice or mischief, and meant to cause other harm, is considered harassment;
  • Sexual harassment: Where one, or a series of incidents occur involving unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, or other verbal conduct of a sexual nature and such conduct has the purpose or the effect of interfering with a person’s work/sport performance/experience or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work/sport environment;
  • Sexual Abuse: Where a young person is used by an older child, adolescent or adult for his or her own sexual stimulation or gratification;
  • Racism. Treatment due to or related to race. Examples include but are not limited to interpersonal behaviour such as name calling, derogatory remarks, gestures and physical attack. Racial bias TGJ club or sport related decisions such as team or player selection, program access, and participation in activities and decisions related to sport related issues; in administrative decisions; using stereotyping language and/or discriminatory language: language which denotes a stereotyped view of a subject or which has racially offensive overtones.

Harassment Officer: A neutral person to whom the role of investigating and reporting findings about whether harassment/discrimination has occurred and makes recommendation(s) as to discipline, education or other action to the disciplinary committee established to implement investigation outcomes
Respondent: The perpetrator of the action(s) which the Complainant thinks constitutes harassment.
Responsible Adult: Where the Complainant or the Respondent is a minor, a parent, guardian, or other adult of the minor’s choice, who may speak on behalf of the minor Complainant or minor Respondent


For the purposes of this policy, retaliation against an individual for filing a complaint under this policy, or for having participated in any procedure under this policy, or for having been associated with a person who filed a complaint or participated in any procedure under this policy, will be treated as harassment, and will not be tolerated.

If a member or representative has been unable to ask the harasser to stop, or the harasser has not stopped when asked, a Complaint may be filed in confidence to the TGJ representative responsible for receipt of such complaints, or, if not comfortable approaching that person, then the Complainant may choose an alternative TGJ representative. Complaints will be considered with the Complainant, and shall be investigated and determined as required in order to enforce this policy.